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Bloggers gonna blog

Writer's picture: Jaye SoniaJaye Sonia

TL/DR - This is a copy of my recent Kickstarter update. If you backed the Kickstarter and read that update, this is going to look pretty familiar. ;)

Hey all! So, hopefully, you're all knee-deep into the Rhune: Dawn of Twilight Campaign Guide and are penning custom adventures for your groups! I've heard from a lot of you (including some of you who I recently saw at Gen Con!) and collectively, the feedback continues to be both positive and constructive - so thank you for that. So, on with the news.

The Beyond the Glittering Fane adventure arc is still in layout. I had hoped to have it done before heading out to Gen Con, but a bunch of life events (including summer finals) got in the way. I'm dedicating the next two weeks to finishing layout for both adventures. As all of you know, I'll keep you in the loop and as soon as they are released, you'll be the very first people who know when these release!

Hero Lab So I spoke with the folks at Lone Wolf Development this year at Gen Con about two important things - Hero Lab and Realm Works. I use both platforms for my personal games and have done so for years. As you can imagine, it only makes sense that I'd love to see Rhune available on both of those. They expressed interest. So, while there are no dates set (yet), we're going to start discussing what it will take to get files built, imported into their software, and made available in their market place.

Personally, I'd love to see Rhune in Realm Works, but that's no small effort. So, if that happens, it will be a lot of data entry - much of which I fear I'll have to do. Still, totally worth it. ;)

PCGen I also spoke with Paul from PCGen and they have expressed interest in having our content available there, as well. I don't know there software well (and don't normally use it), but I am considering letting them port some of our content over to there software, as well. So, that's another discussion in the works.

D20Pro I don't know if I had mentioned it in the past, but we recently signed an agreement with D20 Pro and you can now find our content in their market place. I got a chance to see their software in action this year at Gen Con and I have to admit, I was impressed. I don't tend to do a lot of online gaming (I occasionally run stuff on, but that may change in the future. So, if you do online gaming, these might be some things to look at. From what I saw, their software was pretty awesome.

Oh, and then there's this:

Rhune has been submitted for the 2017 ENnies!

As all of you know, the PDF for Rhune went live on April 28th of this year. At the time, the physical copies were in work and I completely spaced submitting it for the ENnies. I was, as all of you know, far more concerned with completing the Kickstarter. So, when I saw the announcement for the 2016 ENnies... I thought I was just out of luck. However, since the physical product came out after the 2016 deadline, the folks at the booth said that, yes, indeed, I could submit Rhune. Since I had physical copies at the con (the softcovers I'm not printing), I raced six copies over, filled out the paperwork, and submitted it. So, here's to hoping that next summer, when the nominations are announced, Rhune is among them! Let's all cross our fingers!

5th Edition Rhune is slowly, but surely, happening. Over the course of finishing up this Kickstarter, several people (now approaching dozens) have asked about Rhune for 5e. I've seen this trend for several conventions, as well. So, I'm going to be working with some very experienced 5e designers (I've done some 5e design myself, but I'd rather work with others on a project like this) to make this happen. So, will we Kickstart it? There is a very. very, good chance we will. Will a 5e version of Rhune be identical to this Kickstarter? I don't think so. But that's not something I'm going to discuss at length, at least not yet.

Rhune in Savage Worlds is still in work. That's really all there is to say about that. ;)

Rhune Encounters is something we're currently working on. For a long time I've wanted to release all of my personal campaign notes, including many of the notes (and associated baddies) that I ran in my personal campaign. I couldn't fit the majority of them in the current campaign guide (not without it being 500+ pages), so I'm going to compile them, over the latter part of this year, and release them as individual PDFs. Once those launch, I'll post a notification here.

The Grand Galdr and The Broken Book of Bonds are both in work. I've been working on them when I've had free time, but right now, I'm focused on knocking out the adventures, first. All in all, layout isn't my strong suit, so it takes me a little longer than it does folks like Steve ...but I can still do it. But these books are still in work. Again, these are going to be shorter PDFs that will include pre-existing content, but will also include new content, as well. So, be patient with me. I promise to knock them out ASAP!

So, what else does Storm Bunny Studios have in work? Well, we are currently planning a fall Kickstarter for a product that I, alongside several other well known designers are writing. It's going to be for Pathfinder, it's going to be dark (darker than Rhune), and it's going to be a whole new setting. It's something several of us are very, very passionate about. I think it's going to be awesome, too. It won't be anything like Rhune, but for those of you who have been following this Kickstarter, you can fully expect the same level of quality, dedication, and transparency - this time with a much tighter turn around.

Basically, the rest of this year (the short four months I have left in it) is going to be stupid busy. I realize I am fully and completely devouring any and all free time I might have, but I'm doing so with a single goal firmly in mind. And if all of you are willing, I'm bringing you along for the ride.

Cheers, Jaye

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