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Writer's pictureJaye Sonia

The Lull Before

With only about nine days before Gen Con, 2012, things around the “office” are a flurry of activity. I still need to pack for my trans-Atlantic flight, touch up adventure notes, sort miniatures, update all my devices (iPhone, iPad, and so on), and see to all my last minute e-mail traffic. Plus, I still have a project I’m working on (I swear, I’m always working on something) that needs a good read through, as well as some touching up (a section needs to be re-written).

The next few days promise to be “the flurry.”

I’m scheduled to arrive in the U.S. with a few days to spare, so things shouldn’t be too hectic once I arrive on the 10th (thankfully). It’ll be the 15th-20th that’ll be absolutely bat-crap crazy, with trips, meetings, award ceremonies, and all sorts of crazy gaming. You know, my “bread and butter.” I’m not complaining, mind you. I love this stuff – all of it. The crazy moments, the travel, and even the associated last-minute stress that comes with making sure all of my “T”s are crossed.

I suppose it has a little something to do with liminality. Add the right music and you’ll find me remembering to smile just like Mr. Urfe in The Magus.

I don’t really have any expectations for Gen Con this year, either. In fact, it’s precisely this reason why the whole idea of the Con feels a little fresher for me. In the past I’ve had expectations – for countless reasons. But, even with the ENnies, I don’t. In fact, while I am excited about it, I’m not overwhelmed by it. I trust it’ll be awesome and that’s that. Sure, it will be incredibly awesome if we do win an ENnie, but I won’t loose any sleep if we don’t.

There will be tons of old friends to see and new ones to make, which is always a joy, but that’s pretty standard. And yes, I’ll make my way to The Ram for a few beers. It’s a tradition (and all too fitting, really). But once again, none of this is really overwhelming – at least not like it has been in the past. I just don’t find myself overwhelmed. I guess I’m just sort of in my zone this year.

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